
telepathic conversations !

It is really interesting. I don't think I believe in the concept of telepathy, although I dont have enough proof to counter the concept either. I have not been in touch with Mr Penny for a few weeks now, then I write a post about him this AM, and I find his mail waiting for me this PM at my office inbox.


how are you doing ?
kahan gaya hain ?

take care,
best regards,

(the mail above has been slighted edited - a sentence removed, and the name changed to conceal identity)

Does telepathy have a role to play ? I am not sure. But whatever it is, it is interesting. None of my friends still know about this blog, but I guess I will have to start announcing it to friends - who can be my critics. Only that way can I improve my writing skills, isn't it ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe. But truth be told, dont worry too much about it. About how you write and what others will think.
When I started blogging, It took almost 1 year for the first comment on my blog. Frankly, me, I did not care at that time who visits and who does not. I just kept writing :)