
what a weekend,

and what a Monday. after a long time, i thought i would extend my weekend beyond what was decided by the Romans centuries ago. so i took leave from work today, just for the heck of it. hold on before you become all judgemental, i did have some chores to complete, and i concentrated on those all day today. it was fun to be home, really. all alone - the solititude was extremely relaxing. i also managed to sneak in a good amount of some english comedy/thriller soaps - which spiced up the day. evening was good too, i walked up to the nearby plaza, drank a packet full of sugarcane juice, and a Regular pack of Popcorn Chicken at KFC. then enjoyed "everybody loves raymond" and "becker" on star world, and as soon as i finish this post, i will doze off - not really. although it is 11 pm here, i would be awake till atleast 1 am today - so feel free to chat/call me :)

{ PS : nothing worthwhile to speak of today, so please bear with me }


gap's reducing....

this time, i have managed to write an entry within a matter of a week.

this past weekend was very very busy. i am a big fan of the Friends series, so I got hold of 2 DVDs (from Season 1 and 2). My friend, whom I had tagged along to the rental outlet - picked up "The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy" and a DVD of "Everybody Loves Raymond" . I totaled the minutes, and the 4 DVDs amount to around 650 mins of entertainment. Isnt it fun and absolute waste of a life ? I like it that way.

I also finished some pending stuff I had to do, although a lot if left.

I will most probably be in India in Jan, am my parents already have a planned chalked out as to where i should be and where I will be. Dont know how much luxury I will have to fit in my needs in that plan ( I wanted to attend Penny's wedding - but dont know if I will be).

What else, examinations in the local university have finished, so we should be able to resume badminton. The badi courts are occupied during examinations - we dont have lot of space in this country, you see.

Nothing more to report as of now. Will be back with more updates, soon !



No, its not me, its you !

Someone once told me that if I wanted to never end up in the convicts territory, I should always use the above to shift the blame. But can I use that for being absent from blogging for so long ? I really doubt, but let me still give it a shot, and you tell me if that was good enough -

10 reasons why I didn't blog for so long
1) [edit 1] - this point has been removed by the author. the author realised that he gave away a lot about himself in this point, stuff that had no reason to be known at this juncture. given lucrative incentive, the author is ready to think about letting out the truth to a selective audience.
2) [edit 2] - the author thought that he was too spiteful in this point. although that might be the truth, the author finds no reason to demonstrate it. the author has also learnt the lesson that he should revise his text before publishing. but please note that the author suffers from short term and long term memory loss from time to time.
3) the weather in singapore was so hot for the last month or so, that my AC wasnt good enough to keep my laptop cool. the machine crashed each time i opened blogger.
4) mozilla firefox touched a million downloads (or was it more ?) recently, and now the spammers have shifted focus from IE to Firefox. Everytime I opened blogger to write, popups popped up from no where to kill my concentration. how did you expect me to write ?
5) i got excited and jubiliant when India emphatically won the cricket series against SL - and I shaked my LCD laptop screen so hard ( as if it were a Wipro Little Genius desktop monitor ).......now I can barely see anything....only the occasional consonants and the few good pics show up. Arent Compaq laptops fragile ?
6) I went to a college alumni get together where there was free booze, and I came back home "all high", wrote such filthy stuff on this weblog that the Google DB threw up a InsertNotAllowed Exception. They mailed me and banned me (as a punishment) from blogging for all this time. I got back my rights today. Why are my alumni so rich that they can afford free booze ?
7) I proposed to the beautiful French madamoiselle next door, and in an highly unexpected scenario - she denied to accept my love...i cried and cried for the last month or so...I am ok now, but I still carry a big pack of tissues with me. I blame her for all the pain and the resulting absence from the blogging world.
8) I saw the movie "Before Sunset" and its prequel "Before Sunrise" a combined 25 times. Why do people make movies which eat so much of my time, and not leave me enough time to blog ?
9) I sprained my leg while sleeping [ this is as true as the news that Mallika Sherawat let it all drop off for the charismatic Jackie Chan to admire, when shooting a scene for "The Myth" ]. i know it needs extraordinary talent to achieve such feats - but a sprained leg didnt allow me to sit on the white-chair-turned-black. How could I write a blog when not sitting on my chair ? I plan to sue my bed.
10) I shifted to a new seat at office. This seat gives me a panoramic view of the whole room. I spend 6 hrs 32 mins each day observing what the 50 odd people in my room do. 4 hrs and 21 mins are devoted to the beautiful ladies. I work for 1 hr and 28 mins - and get paid for 8 hours. Where is the time to blog ? I blame the seat, the manager who shifted me to the new seat, the ladies who dress beautifully, and the other weird comic people.

Need I say more ?


suggested reading list - indian authors

Clik Me!

thanks to my roomie JT.


comments may not work

since i changed my blog template yesterday, the add-comments has been cranking up a bit. it works sometimes, and is buggy at other moments. so, if you have something to say, please shoot me a mail.



internet junkie, nothing better to do in life, a vagabond in this webspace, looking for something he doesnt even know, occasionally stumbles across interesting life stories, and with little to no imagination, just puts them down here on his blog...check this out -http://grafxgurl2.blogspot.com/2005/10/scream4.html

[edit 1] - mr penny unknowningly hit the delete button and killed his old blog.
he is now available at http://beyondspaceandtime.blogspot.com


it's party all night today !

it's friday, and that's what young bachelor guys and gals do ! but as i have always believed, i wasn't one born lucky [ my friend S - a doctoral student of history in University of Michigan likes to counter me on this, and she will go to any length to show me the other side of the coin, which looks rather bright , but for now, since she is not around, I can blabber whatever I like ;-) ]. i don't remember anything good happening to me because the God of Luck ( is there one in the Greek mythology ? ) was happy with me ! maybe I had great expectations of what luck could bring, and hence I always tend to belittle whatever I get. maybe i am guy who can never be happy and contented with whatever he has ( and that's one reason why i respect contented people - because I believe it needs a big deal of spiritual level-headedness to be like that ). but whatever i may be - believe me, i can give you a zillion examples to prove my point, and unless someone gives me a zillion + 1 reasons to prove me wrong, i will remain firm and standing. consider today, it's friday evening, and i am at home. what am i doing ? waiting . waiting for ? waiting for midnight, when i will go to office, and work all night :(( man, will someone tell my boss in US that I like to sleep, that's the only thing I am known for in my family(as the guy who can fall asleep anywhere, except when mosquitoes are around), my friends who have lived with me can vouch for that - i have never been able to do something called bed-time reading. how do i tell this to my boss, i just dont know. why can't he call me to the US if he so wants me to work with him ;) - tell tell ?

i guess i will end it here - because i am in a complaining mood right now - and if i extend the post any further, it will get immensely boring [ from the presently quasi-boring state it is in now]. something more interesting the next time i am around.

you all have a great weekend, eat well, and party hard.


tough standards to meet...

....with Mr Pennyjoining the blog community.

read about his thoughts on fifth dimension; i never understood the 4 dimensions, and now i have one more to handle.

telepathic conversations !

It is really interesting. I don't think I believe in the concept of telepathy, although I dont have enough proof to counter the concept either. I have not been in touch with Mr Penny for a few weeks now, then I write a post about him this AM, and I find his mail waiting for me this PM at my office inbox.


how are you doing ?
kahan gaya hain ?

take care,
best regards,

(the mail above has been slighted edited - a sentence removed, and the name changed to conceal identity)

Does telepathy have a role to play ? I am not sure. But whatever it is, it is interesting. None of my friends still know about this blog, but I guess I will have to start announcing it to friends - who can be my critics. Only that way can I improve my writing skills, isn't it ?

A Penny in my life

When you reflect back on what you have done, where you have been - you remember some very nice people who you came across, and some a**holes you could have lived without. But the mix is mandatory, else the spice of life wont suit our palate - isnt it ? This post is in honour one of the rare gems of a person I met. And he has been a person whom I respect with all my heart. I dont need to spell it out for you, but he now is one of my closest confidantes.

Mr Penny ( yeah - that's kind of one of his many nicknames ) was born a Virgo, in the same year as I was born. Just like me, he too was born to educated and loving parents. I don't know much about how he spent his childhood - but I am sure he had lots of fun. The contented person he is, he didn't stretch himself a lot when he needed the transistion from school to college. He had always been a good student, but lack of "extra" effort at some key junctures made sure he got academically superseded by a few hardworking chaps. A fact that he doesn't regret at all. He went to college which was a walkable distance from his home, just to make sure that he could come back home to eat the dal-gosht or chicken biryani his granny used to cook for him. The smart intellectual he is, he did well in college, but the satisfied soul he is, he didn't put up a fight for the President's Gold medal - which he could have so easily won! College transistioned to a job, and job took him out of home, from the very attractive (atleast it used to be in those days) garden city Bangalore to foreign land in the Far East and West Asia. Somewhere when he was publishing his footprints on the Asian continent, I bumped into him (via another person who's story will come to you sometime soon).

Our linkage got cemented in the Gujju restaurant we used to frequent in those days, when we sat across the table, each of us pouring out his box of complaints [ yes, the situation was bad those days - and we were partners in pain ], about what people should and shouldn't do, about how hot the climate was, about the beautiful females all around us and none with us, about how the Gujju food was initially very good and diminished in appeal soon after, about some random philosophies, .... the list is long, and I can go on and on. Turn of events was so swift and so unprecendented, that soon after I found myself sharing a house with Mr Penny. That's when I came to him know him more. His wierd ideas, his brilliance at work, some of his old crushes (whatever little he agreed to share), what he wants in his life, .... stuff like that, you got the flow, right ?

We lived a great time together for a quater of year, and then we parted ways. He moved jobs, and then moved cities as well, but we still remain friends, exchange occasional mails, vandalize Yahoo Messenger at times. I recently met him at the airport in his city on my way back from an alien land - and I had a nice 2 hour chit chat with him. He still remains the same guy, but it seems that my repititive complaints about him being too contented actually got heard, and he now has moved on to make big money and is doing some real good intellectual work. He gets married this winter, and I hope I can make it to his wedding to meet his wife-to-be, because she is as fabulous an individual as he is.

My best wishes are with you Mr Penny, always !

so what's it going to be all about ?

Isn’t that a big decision? But nevertheless, one I have to announce. I believe this blog will be about all things personal. Things personal to my life, things personal to the life of people around me(who couldn’t keep their personal stuff personal enough to be not disclosed), my reflections about x,y, and zee ( yes, more often than not, it is going to be random). Maybe some more motivations will take the form of text, and if that happens, I will remember to edit this post.

Why am I blogging?
Because I want to be a writer one day.
You wonder and Ask : Really? Fiction/Non-fiction?
I am bewildered and answer : No, not really. But I do love the writers job. And I do love the fame that writers have. We have famous people in all walks of life, but the one I admire most are writers and musicians. Maybe because I never got to even get close to those 2 sects.
Also, I don’t think what I will write about. As of now, it is just this blog and my attempt to jump over the writers block. And you don’t need to tell, because I am aware – I have a long way to go.

Who am I?
Are you really interested? I don’t think so. But just in case – you are one of that 1 in a million (after all – the probability of any event is greater than zero; now you know that I did study some Mathematics at school), here goes my story – in brief.
I was born to loving and educated parents, when the moon was dominant over the sun, and was allotted bed no 7 at the Jayanti Jayakar clinic. My mother recounts that Dr Jayakar was a loving and caring person, and that’s why she went back to her when my sibling arrived a few years later. I am the first son of my parents, and I think I have been smart enough to extract some benefit of that fact ;-) My parents, God fearing in the natural Indian way, imparted me some key values of life which has kept me sane through all crests and troughs of life. They made sure that I had good education, and they ensured that I ate a full stomach even if they had to go to bed hungry. I can’t be thankful enough!
The co-ed school I went to was immense fun, but I have to acknowledge that I was rather dumb at that point of time (and till much later). If only I had been a little smarter, I would have had a little more fun. But no regrets – it’s been nice since a few of the smart folks out there were kind enough to teach me the essential rules of engagement (as goes the Air Force lingo). School took me college and college to a job. I don’t remember much of what happened at both those places – since it is quite some time now. But it has been a rather interesting journey. I have been pretty lazy to not venture out a lot on my own, but I have had my share of entertainment watching close friends of mine battle it out.  As we move forward with this blog, you might find glimpses of events that have shaped me into the individual I am. I cannot ensure that all those stories will be entertaining, but they will be stories nevertheless.

The sap from the rubber tree has started oozing out, and I hope it remains that way.

2:45 am

yes, that’s precisely the time I began writing this post. And I am pretty much aware that this isn’t a time for sane people to be awake. My parents always said – early to bed, and early to rise. But they didn’t anticipate that my life won’t be as structured and by-the-proverbs as they would have liked it to be.

I happened to lay my hands on my first Amitava Ghosh’s title – The Hungry Tide. I had barely reached page 22, that I felt a kick. A bout of literary rush can I say? Within moments, I click on the power button, the omnipresent Windows XP is booting. It took me some time to log on to blogger, but for some reasons, the new post screen gave some weird problems. Cursing Mozilla Firefox (believe me, it happens rarely), I tried my luck with the not so favorite Internet Explorer. And ain’t I sorry for mouthing bad words about my dear Firefox, as blogger doesn’t function on IE as well. With no more browser options left, I type winword in the Windows+Run box ( yeah, I am geeky ) to bring up the Windows Word application. I had installed the Blogger for Word software quite sometime ago, but never got to use. But this is the post – I hope I am able to upload it ok.
     But where was I? The poor author I am, I digressed. Wasn’t I talking about Amitava. Believe me, if it was not so late in night, and that too a Wednesday, I would have kept reading the book. It flows so very smoothly, and the occasional use of bangla words makes me happy. It gives me the pleasure I get by talking in bangle with my parents back home. The story is building up nicely, and I intend to continue with it tomorrow. Just as I intend to come back to this blog, and keep posting.


Test is successful


Edit 1 : the test is now successful. And many thanks to Truman ( of the Times of Truman [www.adityeah.com] fame ) for coming back again and again. I finally decided that I will start writing here, and if this effort leads me to successful author/writer position, I will have Mr Truman to thank.