
it's party all night today !

it's friday, and that's what young bachelor guys and gals do ! but as i have always believed, i wasn't one born lucky [ my friend S - a doctoral student of history in University of Michigan likes to counter me on this, and she will go to any length to show me the other side of the coin, which looks rather bright , but for now, since she is not around, I can blabber whatever I like ;-) ]. i don't remember anything good happening to me because the God of Luck ( is there one in the Greek mythology ? ) was happy with me ! maybe I had great expectations of what luck could bring, and hence I always tend to belittle whatever I get. maybe i am guy who can never be happy and contented with whatever he has ( and that's one reason why i respect contented people - because I believe it needs a big deal of spiritual level-headedness to be like that ). but whatever i may be - believe me, i can give you a zillion examples to prove my point, and unless someone gives me a zillion + 1 reasons to prove me wrong, i will remain firm and standing. consider today, it's friday evening, and i am at home. what am i doing ? waiting . waiting for ? waiting for midnight, when i will go to office, and work all night :(( man, will someone tell my boss in US that I like to sleep, that's the only thing I am known for in my family(as the guy who can fall asleep anywhere, except when mosquitoes are around), my friends who have lived with me can vouch for that - i have never been able to do something called bed-time reading. how do i tell this to my boss, i just dont know. why can't he call me to the US if he so wants me to work with him ;) - tell tell ?

i guess i will end it here - because i am in a complaining mood right now - and if i extend the post any further, it will get immensely boring [ from the presently quasi-boring state it is in now]. something more interesting the next time i am around.

you all have a great weekend, eat well, and party hard.


M said...

ghosh, any more and i'll dread week ends,

where is that sexy spirit and the ever energetic libido of yours.

go there and catch some girls man they are waiting to be caught by you

Anonymous said...

Hey are you in Bangalore? We are having a bloggers meet tomorrow, Saturday evening. Why dont you join too? (if you happen to be in Bangalore that is)
If you want to, email me: ak AT adityeah.com

Sorry, this was the only way I could convey the message, in a blog comment box!