
A Penny in my life

When you reflect back on what you have done, where you have been - you remember some very nice people who you came across, and some a**holes you could have lived without. But the mix is mandatory, else the spice of life wont suit our palate - isnt it ? This post is in honour one of the rare gems of a person I met. And he has been a person whom I respect with all my heart. I dont need to spell it out for you, but he now is one of my closest confidantes.

Mr Penny ( yeah - that's kind of one of his many nicknames ) was born a Virgo, in the same year as I was born. Just like me, he too was born to educated and loving parents. I don't know much about how he spent his childhood - but I am sure he had lots of fun. The contented person he is, he didn't stretch himself a lot when he needed the transistion from school to college. He had always been a good student, but lack of "extra" effort at some key junctures made sure he got academically superseded by a few hardworking chaps. A fact that he doesn't regret at all. He went to college which was a walkable distance from his home, just to make sure that he could come back home to eat the dal-gosht or chicken biryani his granny used to cook for him. The smart intellectual he is, he did well in college, but the satisfied soul he is, he didn't put up a fight for the President's Gold medal - which he could have so easily won! College transistioned to a job, and job took him out of home, from the very attractive (atleast it used to be in those days) garden city Bangalore to foreign land in the Far East and West Asia. Somewhere when he was publishing his footprints on the Asian continent, I bumped into him (via another person who's story will come to you sometime soon).

Our linkage got cemented in the Gujju restaurant we used to frequent in those days, when we sat across the table, each of us pouring out his box of complaints [ yes, the situation was bad those days - and we were partners in pain ], about what people should and shouldn't do, about how hot the climate was, about the beautiful females all around us and none with us, about how the Gujju food was initially very good and diminished in appeal soon after, about some random philosophies, .... the list is long, and I can go on and on. Turn of events was so swift and so unprecendented, that soon after I found myself sharing a house with Mr Penny. That's when I came to him know him more. His wierd ideas, his brilliance at work, some of his old crushes (whatever little he agreed to share), what he wants in his life, .... stuff like that, you got the flow, right ?

We lived a great time together for a quater of year, and then we parted ways. He moved jobs, and then moved cities as well, but we still remain friends, exchange occasional mails, vandalize Yahoo Messenger at times. I recently met him at the airport in his city on my way back from an alien land - and I had a nice 2 hour chit chat with him. He still remains the same guy, but it seems that my repititive complaints about him being too contented actually got heard, and he now has moved on to make big money and is doing some real good intellectual work. He gets married this winter, and I hope I can make it to his wedding to meet his wife-to-be, because she is as fabulous an individual as he is.

My best wishes are with you Mr Penny, always !

1 comment:

M said...

hello monsieur ghosh,

c'etait tres gentille.

But the fact remains that Mr. Ghosh himself is amiable and a very interesting person that he sees miracles in the ordinary things in life, which fail to even catch the eyes of a mere mortal. The rising moon, or the setting sun, a flower in bloom, are all the ordinary things that we both enjoy, and yeah he does seem to want the orchid to bloom, but I do settle for the common rose, or chrysanthemum.

I do wish you the very best of luck in life Mr. Ghosh.

And yeah like mines are always connected, just as occlumency and leglimency :)